7th Grade ELA

Dream Big

We all have dreams, but often we don't see how middle school can help us get there. It's my goal as your ELA teacher to help you learn how to be an active participant in your education, an effective communicator and a better student so that you can find your way in the future. If you ever have trouble understanding the purpose of an activity or lesson, please speak to me privately. 

It's easy to hear that a person we admire dropped out of high school, or didn't go to college and assume that they are uneducated. The truth is that every successful person is driven to succeed and has at some point learned how to teach themselves. As adults we can specialize our learning and focus on the specific skills that we need to achieve our immediate goals, but in middle school, we are building a tool box for learning. Much of what we do in class can help you organize and express your thoughts and ideas, and to understand the ideas and thoughts of others. These are skills that you really will use every day!

Often, the simplest explanation is that we are working toward meeting a standard set forth by the Florida Department of Education. 

"Learning is the only thing the mind never exhausts, never fears, and never regrets."  - Leonardo Di Vinci


  • 1/2 Binder in the color of  your choice
  • Dividers
  • Loose leaf paper

 Grade Break Down

  • Warm Ups
  • Classwork
  • Reading/Writing
  • Achieve 3000
  • Tests/Quizes

 You can view due dates and your current grade in Focus.